Rovers open the door to a world of adventure, excitement, challenge, and achievement.
Exhilarating outdoor activities such as bushwalking, canoeing, sailing, caving, ski-touring, canyoning, four-wheel driving, rock-climbing, and scuba diving all form an important part of a Rover's calendar.
Social activities such as balls, bush dances, harbour cruises, nights out and "Moots" (gatherings of Rovers on a local, national, and sometimes international level) also feature on an active Rover's program.
A local group of Rovers is known as a "Crew", and each Crew is different, tailoring its activities to the requirements of its members. Crews vary in size from a handful of members to thirty or more. Most Crews meet weekly. The friends you make within this group will be for life!
Rovers are the section of the Scout Movement open to all young men and women aged between 17 and 26 years. Anyone can become a Rover - there's no need to have had any previous involvement with Scouting or any prior outdoor activities experience.
A Crew's activities are planned and run by the Rovers themselves, and there is plenty of opportunity to develop personal abilities, and learn new skills. A Rover may become involved in organising a simple weekend away for just several people, a major event involving thousands of participants or anything in between!
The Rover motto is a simple one - "Service". Rovering helps develop leadership abilities and an appreciation of the value of helping other people, through service activities, both within Scouting and the wider community.
There are close to 3,000 Rovers throughout Australia.
Rovers or their equivalent can also be found in many countries throughout the world, offering the opportunity to make many contacts when travelling.
Come and visit us!
Our Rovers meet each week on a Monday from 7:30pm-9:30pm!
Please contact our Rover Crew to arrange a visit; elprovers@gmail.com